The Power of Music Therapy

In mental health settings, music therapy serves as both an alternative and complementary medium for self-exploration and expression. These elements are pivotal in the context of recovery, growth, and change. Often, music has the unique potential to activate emotion, impact mood and energy, and can therefore be integrated as a powerful and pertinent therapeutic avenue in this environment. 

Operating through a judgment-free and strengths-based approach, music therapy groups at Dunham House invite members to

1) creatively engage with the daily challenges and gains of their recovery process and 2) connect and exchange with each other through lyric analysis, music-listening and sharing, collaborative songwriting and active music-making. 

Music can also be used as a tool to help manage stress. Members are provided with opportunities to explore connections and associations to the songs on their playlists; to examine their responses to different musical styles and to consider how music can be uniquely integrated into their lives to support recovery and overall wellness


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