Connecting with Nature: The Unique Healing Power of Dunham House

Many people with mental illness and addictions can retreat into a tiny world. We have already talked about how Dunham House can reconnect you to the social world. Today, we talk about how Dunham House can connect you to the natural world.

Why is this important? Nature has power, but it does not judge. A natural setting like a pond acts on our spirit and evokes calm. Just being by water can have this effect. Working in the soil, growing plants, tending them, seeing how they grow and finally harvesting them grounds us. It is, however, animals that have the greatest potential to bring us inner peace.

Exposure to the natural world is a part of the experience at Dunham House.

Our pond is very popular. We have even created a beachfront. Residents find solace in spending time by the water. We also have our own vegetable garden. With 4,000 square feet of growing space, it produces much of the vegetables that the residents and staff eat in the summer and fall.

On the animal front, we have our own flock of hens that produce all the eggs we need. It may surprise you to know how affectionate hens can be. Like dogs, they recognize people and will rush up to see their friends. They like being picked up and cuddled. They are also endlessly amusing to observe.

Best of all, Dunham House offers an Equine Therapy program. Here residents care for and work with horses. Horses invite us to connect with them and provide immediate emotional feedback. Exceptionally sensitive to energy, horses mirror how we feel. They are attractive animals. We want to get close, and they help us achieve that connection. When we succeed, the emotional rewards are enormous, and so is the learning. To accomplish this, we learn to manage our feelings and energy. It is no wonder that this is our most popular program. We offer this program all year.

Every organization, like Dunham House, offers medical treatment and programs. Dunham House is second to none in that area. But few, if any, provide the social and nature aspects that you find at Dunham House. 


The Power of Music Therapy


Transforming Lives Through Community: How Dunham House Breaks Addiction and Mental Illness Cycles