Launch of Dunham House’s New Family Program in Fall 2024

Dunham House’s New Family Services for Addiction & Mental Health Recovery

We are excited to announce the launch of Dunham House's new family program starting in September 2024. This 6-week program is designed to support families navigating the complexities of mental health and addiction recovery. Family involvement is a cornerstone of successful recovery, and our program aims to empower families with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to foster a healthier environment for their loved ones.

The program will use a group-based approach to explore various topics such as understanding the family role in addiction, prioritizing self-care, and supporting a loved one with struggles in mental health and addiction. These sessions are structured to be both informative and interactive, encouraging open dialogue and mutual support among participants.

To ensure accessibility, the program will be offered in both in-person and virtual formats, allowing families to choose the option that best suits their needs. In time, we also aim to offer counselling support sessions to family members who need additional assistance.

Understanding the Impact of Addiction and Mental Health on Families

Addiction and mental health conditions do not exist in a vacuum; their effects ripple outward, touching the lives of family members and loved ones. Understanding these impacts is crucial to fostering a supportive environment for both the individual struggling and their family members.

Impact on the Family Dynamic

Addiction and mental health conditions can significantly disrupt family dynamics. The stress and uncertainty associated with these issues can lead to increased conflict, mistrust, and communication breakdowns. Family members may find themselves in roles they did not anticipate, such as caregivers or mediators, which can create additional tension.

The constant strain can make it difficult for families to maintain a sense of normalcy, eventually taking a profound emotional toll. Family therapy helps to address these challenges by providing a space for open communication and healing. By learning to navigate these complex dynamics, families can work together to support their loved ones more effectively.

Impact on the Loved Ones of Those Affected

The emotional and psychological effects of addiction and mental health conditions on family members can be deeply felt. Loved ones often experience a range of emotions, including guilt, shame, anger, and helplessness. These feelings can be overwhelming and may lead to social isolation as family members withdraw from their communities to avoid stigmatization.

The financial impact can also be significant. The costs associated with treatment, lost income, and potential legal issues can create substantial financial strain on families. This financial burden can add another layer of stress, making it even more challenging to support the recovery process.

Family therapy gives family members a space to process their complex emotions and receive the resources to support their own mental health. Additionally, by encouraging healthy communication between family members, they can open up how their loved one’s addition has affected their own life.

The Benefits of Family Therapy for Long-Term Recovery

Reduced Risk of Relapse

Family therapy significantly reduces the risk of relapse for individuals in recovery. When family members are educated and actively engaged in the recovery process, they can provide better support and create a stable, understanding environment. This support system is crucial in maintaining long-term sobriety and mental health stability.

Strengthened Support System

Family therapy helps build a network of supporters who understand the challenges of addiction and mental health conditions. This community can offer encouragement, accountability, and a sense of belonging, all of which are essential for long-term recovery.

Improved Communication Skills

Family therapy equips both the individual and their family members with the skills needed to communicate openly and constructively. This reduces misunderstandings, resolves conflicts, and fosters a more supportive and empathetic home environment.

Rebuilding of Trust and Relationships

Addiction and mental health issues can severely damage trust and relationships within a family. Family therapy provides a structured environment to address these issues, fostering empathy and understanding. Rebuilding trust and strengthening family bonds are key to creating a supportive and stable home life that benefits the individual’s recovery journey.

Healing for Everyone Involved

Family therapy emphasizes the importance of self-care and well-being for all family members. By addressing their own emotional and physical needs, family members can better support their loved one’s recovery. This holistic approach ensures that everyone in the family is healthy and capable of contributing positively to the recovery process.

What to Expect Out Of a Family Therapy Program

Our family program is structured to address the unique challenges families face during recovery. Participants can expect a comprehensive approach that includes group sessions facilitated by experienced counsellors. You can expect interactive activities such as role-playing exercises, group discussions, and family activities help reinforce learning and promote healthier family dynamics

These sessions encourage open dialogue and mutual support among loved ones, allowing them to share their experiences, learn from others, and receive professional guidance on navigating their unique challenges.

Like in our sessions with residents, education about mental health and addiction will form an important pillar of the family program. In a series of workshops, family members will explore the psychology behind addiction, the roles they might be playing in the addiction cycle, healthy family dynamics, coping strategies, as well a topics related to codependency and boundary setting. These workshops are designed to enhance understanding and provide practical tools that families can use in their everyday lives.

Finally, the eventual addition of therapy for family members will help them cope with their own emotions surrounding their loved one’s substance use and associated consequences. This is particularly important as they too are on a healing journey, and might struggle as they support their loved one while maintaining healthy boundaries

The Path to Recovery: Family Services at Dunham House

Family involvement can be a positive force in the recovery process, and we are dedicated to providing the resources and support families need to thrive. By investing in family programs, we not only support the individual in recovery but also foster a more resilient family unit.

For more information about the upcoming launch of our family program, please contact

About Dunham House

Located in Quebec's Eastern Townships, Dunham House is an anglophone residential treatment centre specializing in addiction and concurrent mental health disorders. We are the only residential facility of our kind in Quebec that operates in English.

Our evidence-based treatment programs include a variety of therapeutic activities such as art, music, yoga, and equine-assisted therapy. In addition to our residential services, we offer a full continuum of care with outpatient services at the Queen Elizabeth Complex in Montreal.

Click here more information about our programs and admissions.


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