Dunham House Expands: New $2M Building Opens in July to Serve Quebec's English-Speaking Community

At the end of July, Dunham House will open its new $2 million residence that will increase its capacity from 28 residential places to 40. If you did not know, Dunham House is a residential treatment centre located in Dunham for people with mental health issues and concurrent disorders including addiction; it is also the only residential facility of its kind in Quebec that operated its programs in English and as such is a critical resource for the English-speaking mental health community in Quebec.

Care for those who suffer with mental health issues is hard enough in all cases, but when the facility operates in another language from your own, the task is all but impossible. This was the experience of Dunham House founder and president Dan Colson who could not find a suitable place for a member of his own family. Little did he know how long and hard this journey would be as he worked to start a facility himself.

A major barrier was the classic "not in my backyard syndrome" For several years, trying to find a location for a new residence was blocked by communities that were fearful of having people with mental health issues as neighbours. Most people would have given up, but Colson did not. Finally, by accident an ideal place appeared, and Dunham House opened on 84 beautiful acres in Dunham in 2017 with 28 beds. The site had previously been owned and operated by the Catholic Church, which used it for various purposes including summer camps and choir schooling. Unable to continue themselves, the Church saw in Colson's vision an ideal match of their idea of a community purpose and sold the property to Dunham House, a registered Canadian Charity.

Colson and his team raised the $1.5 million required to renovate the property and to hire staff. Within a couple of years, it was clear there was not enough capacity at Dunham House to meet the demand; approximately 90 percent of the residents come from the Montreal area with the balance mainly from the Eastern Townships. Planning for an expansion began in 2020 and the $2 million required to add another building to provide more accommodation was successfully raised by Colson over the next two years.

Why should you care?

Who of us today does not know of a family member or a friend who is suffering? COVID has been a terrible source of stress and has greatly increased the demand for help. Mental health issues are not "Out There." They are pat of all our lives now.

How can you help?

Dunham House has a wonderful full-time staff but can always use help from volunteers. Can you drive people to their doctors' appointments or shopping? Can you teach a skill such as music, yoga, or help someone learn to paint? Dunham House has a vegetable garden and hens. Can you help in the garden and with the animals? Do you have something to offer? If so, please contact Murray Brohman who is the General Manager of Dunham House.


Dunham House's New Building Officially Opens September 23, 2023


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