Can You Mix Ativan With Alcohol?

Alcohol addiction is a severe problem and can lead to terrible consequences. Some people quit drinking because they have developed an alcohol use disorder and cannot stop. In contrast, others may stop drinking because of the adverse effects that result from their addiction. Therefore, it is essential to know what steps can help someone quit drinking and stay sober. If you want to stop drinking alcohol, there are many ways you can do so, and this article will explore some of these methods with the hope that those who read it will find the best way for them.

What is Ativan Addiction

Ativan falls into the benzodiazepine medication category prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. It is also commonly prescribed to relieve symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal. When used as prescribed, Ativan is a safe and effective medication. However, Ativan can be addictive when combined with alcohol or other benzodiazepines.

If someone is addicted to Ativan, it is crucial to seek professional help. Many treatment options are available for people struggling with Ativan or any other drug or alcohol addiction. Some common treatments include:

  • Detoxification: When choosing to detox, you remove all drugs and alcohol from your system. Detox can be dangerous, so it is essential to do it under the supervision of a medical professional.

  • Rehabilitation: This is a process of treatment that helps a person recover from addiction. Rehab can include therapy, support groups, and medication.

  • Medication: Many medications can be used to treat addiction. Some common medicines used to treat Ativan addiction include:

  • Antabuse: This medication prevents the body from metabolizing alcohol. It is usually taken before drinking alcohol to help prevent intoxication.

  • Naltrexone: This type of medication blocks the effects of opioids and is sometimes used to treat alcoholism.

  • Acamprostate: This medication helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism.

Why Mixing Ativan With Alcohol Can Be Dangerous

When Ativan mixes with alcohol, it can be perilous. The two substances are addictive and can be deadly when combined. Drinking alcohol while taking Ativan significantly increases the risk of overdose or death. 

Alcohol is addictive, and a depressant and can slow down the respiratory system. When combined with a benzodiazepine like Ativan, the effects can be deadly. Alcohol enhances the sedative effects of Ativan, which can lead to coma or death.

If addicted to Ativan and drinking alcohol, it is crucial to seek professional help immediately. There are many treatment options available to help a person stop drinking and stay sober.

Ways People Can Battle Their Addiction in a Safe Environment

Many in-house treatment facilities are available to help the battle of addiction in a safe environment. Dunham House is one such facility that offers residential treatment for people struggling with addiction to drugs, alcohol addiction, or mental health disorders.

Dunham House provides a safe and supportive environment to focus on recovery. The staff at Dunham House is dedicated to helping a person achieve and maintain sobriety. We provide individualized treatment plans, support, and counseling to help people overcome their addiction.

Get the Help 

If a person is struggling with Ativan or any other drug or alcohol addiction, consider seeking residential treatment at Dunham House. It could be the difference between staying on track and relapsing.


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