Jeremy’s Success Story

Once I acknowledged my alcohol and drugs addiction, I looked for help and Dunham House welcomed me. 

During my 5-month stay, I learned many things about myself and why I needed to rely on drugs and alcohol to feel good about myself. Now, I am back on my own and enrolled in a Community Services Worker Collegial Program. Some of the topics and strategies I discussed during my conversations with Anthony and Murray are now covered as part of my educational experience. 

I am doing very well at school, at home and I am sober. I often recall the lessons learned during my stay at Dunham House such as always be true to yourself, look forward, not backward, keep away from temptations, love yourself, be confident and surround yourself with for people that love you and want you to be happy. 

Participating in the Alumni group lets me keep in touch with the clinical staff and the friends I made at Dunham House, discuss my concerns, and keep a positive attitude; all things that help me in my recovery.

Thank you, Dunham House.

– Jeremy | Male, 26


Emilija S.’s Success Story


Anne’s Success Story