Supporting Recovery: Dunham House’s Alumni Program

The road to recovery often times can be long and emotionally difficult. Despite some of the gain’s individuals can make while attending inpatient treatment programs, one’s recovery continues past this point. Navigating these challenges to ensure that one does not return back to old habits while being supported through this transition is essential.

We sat down with our clinical supervisor Anthony Berger to talk about Dunham House Alumni Program.

Why did Dunham House decide to start its own Alumni Program?

Over the course of the years many people who finished our program often asked about how they could keep in touch with us or where they could go for any added support. We did not have any means to keep in touch unless the individual themselves gave us a call or sent us email. Most of them would be referred to various outpatient services once their program finished. However, for many people the importance of continuing the work they started while attending our program and interacting with their peers who they are familiar with helps ease that transition back to everyday life, while also making it more likely they would reach out for help as needed.

What are some of the benefits of being part of an Alumni Program?

There are many benefits to joining or being part of an alumni group. Some of the reasons include continuing that transition from inpatient to outpatient treatment without losing the structure and routine they are used to. Individuals can also connect and relate to one another’s journey and be there for mutual support or encouragement. Lastly, a big part of alumni groups is the socialization factor. Building one’s recovery support network is crucial when it comes to after care recovery.

How many people are currently involved in the program?

Like I mentioned the alumni program is a very new initiative for our organization. We started this back in February 2021 and at the time we started off small with 4-6 residents. Currently we have 25 members who are active to various degrees.

What can one expect if they decide to join the Alumni Program?

Well, we have weekly meetings online which are used to share how everyone may be doing or to check in with where one may be at. We can discuss various recovery-based topics such as challenges that come up in recovery, dealing with stress & mental health, or even relapse. We also try and organize events so that our members can meet and socialize throughout the year. There is also a private Facebook group just for alumni members who can share their stories and offer one another feedback. I think one can also expect to receive ongoing support and guidance whether it is through their peers or a Dunham House staff member.

How can someone join your Alumni Program?

Our program is open to all individuals who have attended Dunham House’s residential program. Typically, as they build their exit plan a counsellor will speak to them about the importance of joining our alumni program. Once they leave the program they are sent an email with the necessary information to join.


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