Six Ways To Manage Anxiety

Our lives can get quite busy in normal circumstances, coping through a pandemic however feels much more stressful. We all have had periods in which we ask ourselves “How am I going to get through this”? Anxiety is a normal part of our lives, one that alerts us to get going on a certain project. Sometimes however, anxiety can feel quite overwhelming or paralyzing. Here are some tips to help you cope with anxiety.

Remember some anxiety is normal

You don’t always have to feel bad for forgetting something, or dread how you are going to accomplish everything you wrote down on your to do list. Reminding ourselves that it is normal to feel anxious sometimes especially, when faced with a new or changing environment.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Going for a walk helps change one’s thoughts as we expose ourselves to different scenery. Immersing ourselves in our senses allows for a calming effect. Focus on what you see, what you may be smelling, the wind against your face. There are also active relaxation and mindfulness-based videos available for free whether it is online or through a mindfulness app. Remember to start small as you familiarize yourself to some of these activities (2-5 minutes).

Seek Support

Even during a pandemic there are many ways to reach out to someone you trust. Even though we may not be able to gather in person, reaching out through a video-based platform, phone call or text message. There are options out there, don’t be afraid to reach out.  In some cases, you may want to speak with a mental health professional who can help explore and offer you additional behavioural techniques to help cope with anxiety and/or stress.

Challenge Thoughts & Emotions

Recognizing that our thoughts are not facts is important to keep in mind. Some of our thoughts are general worries about situations which we have no control over. Rather than focusing our energy on what we can’t control, lets break things down into more manageable steps. Take some time to identify what emotion we are feeling right now, reflect on what may be causing you to feel this way? Prioritize what needs your attention immediately and what can wait until tomorrow. Brainstorm possible solutions and pick one that you feel most comfortable with in handling such a given situation. You may even want to try this cool CARD game.

Dealing with problems in a structured way

Finding balance in our day is essential when trying to ease our anxiety. Constantly running around from one task to another does not allow us to focus on what we are trying to accomplish. Focus on the present moment, and what is in our control? Creating mini routines for yourself throughout the day can help you feel in control and relaxed, while making things much more manageable. Journaling can also be a useful tool, in order to get some of your worried thoughts out on paper.


Many of us are going through similar realities in which we are constantly flooded with information whether it is on TV or on social media. You may also find that your work-life balance is off (answering emails during afterhours), where there is no clear end between the two. Learning how to unplug from these devices is essential, in order to begin the process of unwinding and relaxation. Rather than trying to get ahead writing that work email, or planning what to make for dinner, take some time to yourself while engaging in a de-stress activity. Activities such as reading a book, connecting with an old friend, listen to some music or doing a puzzle.

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