Honouring the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney: Dunham House Chairman and Former Prime Minister's Legacy

Honouring the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Chairman of Dunham House Advisory Board

Dear friends of Dunham House,

The Right Hon. Brian Mulroney has sadly passed away. In addition to being one of Canada’s greatest-ever Prime Ministers and statesmen and notwithstanding his extremely busy schedule at all times, Brian was  very actively and closely involved with Dunham House for more than 10 years as Chairman of our Advisory Board and as a committed , inspirational and very generous supporter of Dunham House in every way.

Dunham House has indeed been very blessed and honoured to have such a distinguished and extraordinary Chairman who always found time to help Dunham House in any way and provided the credibility, gravitas  and profile only he could provide. Brian took a very close personal interest in Dunham House and was instrumental in helping us become a unique and important resource for the mental health community in Quebec.

In spite of his failing health, Brian insisted on attending the official opening of our new building last September and as always, his speech that day was a class act and an inspiration to everyone who was able to attend. Brian’s wise counsel and support will be greatly missed by everyone associated with Dunham House and I for one will never forget Brian’s magnificent help and friendship in making Dunham House a reality.

May he rest in peace!

With my best regards,
Daniel Colson
President of Dunham House


On Friday, March 1st, CBC Montreal visited Dunham to report on Prime Minister Mulroney's generous involvement and commitment to Dunham House. The interview with Murray Brohman and Don Joyce ran on the six o'clock news that day. The segment begins at 3 minutes 50 seconds into the broadcast.  CBC Montreal News March 01, 2024 | CBC.ca


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